Sunday, December 6, 2009


Have you ever lied? If you say no then you’re probably lying now. Sometimes lying can be a good thing (SOMETIMES), but most of the times it is bad and usually hurts someone emotionally. I have lied many times before in the past, but the last two years I have stopped, or been trying to stop, due to previous situations because I was only hurting individuals I loved. I also began to realize that lying didn’t get me out of that much trouble, so now I just tell the truth and face the consequences. Recently someone who I thought was very professional, just told a fib on me, which led to a three day suspension from school, grief with my family and emotional distress. After I heard the accusations of what I did I was extremely angry and I couldn’t believe that someone would do that. This experience has allowed me to understand what I did to others so maybe I deserved it. I have learned my lesson from this so now I am I’m completely done lying. I realized lying does not always help and even if you get away with things and, even worse, stays on your conscience and makes you feel really guilty (if you have a conscience). We liars need to realize that telling the truth is actually better, and can even result in a lesser punishment. Because of lying a person’s word doesn’t count for much. For example, people now have to say “I swear to God” or “I swear on my grandmother’s grave.” As the Good Book says, your “yes” needs to be a “yes” and your “no” needs to be a “no.” You shouldn’t have to swear to the Almighty or on good ol’ grandma’s grave. Start telling the truth and your word will go farther. Have any truth about lies for me? I’d like to hear your stories (really). Please post your comments below.

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