Thursday, October 8, 2009


There are many different definitions of the term friend. For example, a person who is well known and fond of by another; an intimate associate/close acquaintance, a confident on the same side in a struggle; one who is not an enemy or foe; ally, and, lastly, one regarded with affection and trust. My personal definition is someone who I can trust and is there for me whenever I need them.

Have you ever asked yourself if someone you were “close” to was really your friend? Would this person jump in if you were in a fight? Some would answer “yes,” but then ask yourself if they would snitch on you to the police if it meant saving their own skin. Would this person tell you if your girlfriend was cheating on you? Your honest answers to these questions might give you a different perspective on friendships. How about if money were involved? That’s when you really see who you can trust -- and where their priorities lye.

As a high school student, I have found very few people that have lived up to my definition of friend. I have faced betrayal by those who have called me their friend. I’ve been “sold out” for someone more popular, more affluent, cooler, etc. This has even happened to me by lifelong “friends.”. I declare 2009 the year that we remove the word ‘friend’ from our vocabularies and replace it with the word ‘snake.’ If you can describe a friend that fits the true definition of a friend please inform me by writing a comment underneath. I want to be informed if you have an example of a friend-turned-snake as well. So all those who claim to have at least 1200 Facebook friends and or 400 contacts on MSN ask yourself are these contacts really friends.

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